1/3 of the Leg is Done…

November 8, 2018

I’ve made it one-third of the way through the leg part of the sock this week. I finished two full repeats of the pattern and have actually begun on the third one today. Honestly, I am supposed to be studying, writing a research paper and working on a “case” in Excel. I hope I didn’t share too much of my headache with you. I just want to go to sleep this week, but I have meetings and other fun events.


Current Progress of the knitting and an indoor fountain at our University Center
I do get the bonus of listening to Central Michigan’s marching band practice, and I can see their practice field from the University Library, so I can watch them practice as well. It’s more fascinating to watch the color guard practice as the poor marching band is mostly stationary, blowing into metal tubes to make some great noise. It makes me want to stop and wander outside to watch them…Then I remember the temperature is too cold.


Better shot of the fountain and more even shot of the knitting…

In fact, I need to start asking around for some cool photo ops inside campus buildings or find a nice spot in my home to turn into a photoscape…I’ve almost got an idea….We’ll see what comes of it, as fall is here and winter seems to be on its tail this year. For now, I have four more repeats to knit with these socks, then I can start the heel. But before I get to all that, I should probably get back to the research.


Close up of this week’s knitting. I can’t wait until these socks are done…perhaps next week I’ll include a photo of the shirt I wish to wear them with.

Until next time, Happy knitting!

I don’t know if I have the hookups…All the Mackinaw City photos are on my phone. I obtained a new phone Tuesday so I can talk to people I need to in the way they communicate. Apparently, email and text messaging are now outdated. Who knew? Alas, my batteries on my camera also died. So, I fortunately figured out how to take photos on my phone, almost right after I turned it on and figured out how to call with it. I realize calling is outdated too, but sometimes, you have to have a real, truly old-fashioned conversation. If you’re lucky that will clarify things. Alas, there was some knitting.


The drained brook…reveals its secrets to creating a lovely stream…The little guy in the bottom right corner will be back in a moment.

Mostly before classes…progress has been made. I’m through the first repeat and nearly half-way through the second. I took these photos earlier this afternoon when I needed a break from studying, and found time to continue knitting this evening as I went to a poetry reading by Eva Christina Zeller. This may have been the most fascinating poetry reading ever, as she read her poems in German, and Mr. Robert Fanning, Associate Professor of Creative Writing and Poetry at Central Michigan University, read her poems in English. You can read more about Robert Fanning here.

Flowers holding onto life as I continue to knit warm socks…

Forgive me, if I start writing poetry about knitting, or quilting, or crutch club…but that’s another class…and crutch club is soccer for kids who need crutches…It was begun at a camp like no other, Bay Cliff Health Camp, A Place Apart, where I have also knit. They can tell you about it far better than I can, though I’ve worked there twice and dream of going back to visit often…to work or play, I’m never sure. But I’m supposed to be here about the knitting. So I shall tell you of today’s finds, and warn you the photos will be coming inside soon–there’s a distinct chill in the air.


How cool is this…That special painted rock simply made my day…that and hearing some good poetry being read well. My day is complete.

Today, as I approached my bubbling brook to obtain an inspiring photo of my work, I noticed the brook had been drained. It was a bit disappointing, as it’s a sure sign of freezing temperatures, yet it was neat to see the rock layers of the brook. As I took my photo with the flowers still holding on to life even in this chilly fall, I noticed a colorful structure on one of the other rocks and found some fun angles to take photos of my knitting there as well, once I realized the colorful structure was a fun painted rock. It so brightened my day to see this rock, and I simply decided I needed to pass this on to cheer up others who need it. Until next time, Happy Knitting!


Semi-Well Traveled Knitting

October 18, 2018

It’s official. My knitting has not been to more parts of campus than I have. I didn’t know that was possible until the unthinkable happened last week. On Thursday, I was sure I grabbed my knitting bag for class. When I got to class, no knitting. No biggie, it should be in my car. When I got to my car…I either found it and took it into the Library and University Center with me, or I dropped it the night before…I don’t think I stopped at either place the night before. But I got home later that night, remembered that I couldn’t find my knitting, and went searching for it.


sunset shadows at one of my favorite brooks…

It was, of course, nowhere to be found. Friday morning, I called the building lost and found where I have class on Thursdays, in case I left it in class or in the hallway outside of class. I even drove back to the class area to check the bathrooms the next day. I still could not find it and it was not yet logged on the CMU Police and Public Services as found. I thought about calling them for it, but looked through my car again, and checked the likely spots. I was somewhat beginning to worry, but three inches of knitted wool does not have much value to a thief.


Far more shadows than I realized…but there’s my lovely socks

I had to wait out the weekend, and I remembered on Monday to look again. I went to the lost and found where I have class. The lady was very nice, but my knitting had been turned in over the weekend.  I checked lost and found on campus for my knitting when I got home that evening. There was a red, white, and blue bag listed as found. I emailed them listing the contents of the bag, not remembering what was left in it. On Tuesday morning when I left for campus, they had not emailed me back. Right after class, I drove to the Campus Police and Public Services building and asked about it…It was there and awaiting my pick up. After a minor search there, mostly for people that were already there, I was reunited with my knitting. I’ve only been able to finish the row I was working on since then, but I’m glad to have it back.


I knew I should have taken that photo earlier, but I wanted to get the transition portion done. 

I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for burgundy socks. I want to keep knitting them, but homework must be done, too. In the meantime, I’d better get some pretty pictures of the knitting and get back to the homework. Until next time, Happy knitting!


I’m not sure there is a better study break out there…Better photos in light next week…


Ta-Da! They really are, finally, off the needles. However, they are far from being done! Most of my brilliant ideas happened when I began to knit sock 2, or after some experience. I did finish the teal, and left about 5” of yarn to sew up an imperfectly cast on toes…I have a feeling I may be adding purple to the toes…but we’ll find out if I ever actually finish these. It’s tempting to drop the bag in the pile on the table and leave it.


Front view of the socks…

I know, I know, Finish it, already. In my defense, I took the tapestry and chenille needles (to reinforce heel and toes on sock #1) to class and then left them in my car. (I really don’t know how that happened), so I started playing with the new cast on. If you look at the photos of the bottom of the feet, the second sock may look more dense (Not sure my camera is that good, though.)


Back view…it may be hard to tell which is one or two…

I decided touching up would wait as it just got cool enough to start wearing wool socks again. Ah, yes, Fall, or Autumn, season of repairs and reflecting…it is arriving soon. I had to catch one last glimpse of summer though.


Late summer flowers, so cute (and I don’t care if they’re weeds…they weren’t weeded out)

In the meantime, I decided to cast on my next pair of socks and to start knitting “Mock Cables and Lace” by Ann Budd, fresh out of Sock Knitting: Master Class. I’m two full rows in, three with the cast-on, and I realized, I’m not sure how to set up two at a time, cuff down socks on circular needles. When I see a 40” circular needle used, I expect to knit two at a time. Once I get them cast on correctly or set up to work with me…I’ll be fine to follow the pattern(I hope). In the meantime, I have to find the DVD or hit Youtube videos really hard until someone who has done this before explains it to me;-).


I still need to finish this babyit would be nice to do before Quilt retreat…

Alas, I may also hope to find the Tatami cotton blend yarn back in stock, or may have to find a substitute brand and knit dish rags out of the new skein when it comes in, as October is coming;-), and I want those attached strings, finished and cut off, this time;-).